The Foreign Office at the CEP opens a new space where schools, teachers and students interested in learning English as a foreign langugage could meet and exchange ideas. Follow us, you can join and participate in any of our projects, contests, exhibitions, publications, festivals and meetings.

Thursday 26 August 2010

English is everywhere. Why not an English Safari?

English is everywhere. Maybe you haven’t noticed but it is just around the corner. Sometimes we think that English only exists in schools, in the text books. Many others believe that English is only useful when you want to travel. Most of us know how important it is to speak English if, for example, you have to work in the tourist industry or the stock market. But English is much more than that, English is everywhere. Visit your kitchen, read the instructions of your Nintendo, take a walk and pay attention to the signs, posters, shop windows, names of soft drinks, movies and chocolates… English is everywhere.

The other day I took a half an hour walk in Puerto de La Cruz, I decided to bring my camera and take pictures of all the places and things where English was present. Here is the result.

Why don’t you do the same? Become an English detective. Discover where else English is hidden and use your camera or cell phone to take a picture. Print your photographs and share them with your English teacher. Your teacher can set up a small exhibition so everybody can see it. You can also send your works to us, indicating your name, age and school . You might see your photograph published in our blog. We will also send a diploma and a small present to the best images.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations for your idea, I think I can use it with my first ESO students to broaden their vocabulary as well as to develop their digital and data processing competence. I need to check which unit is the most suitable for developing it. In that case, I will let you know.

    Noelia, IES Mencey Bencomo
